Thursday 15 December 2011

Final VFX Project

Original clouds pass.

Color corrected pass.

Shadow pass.

AO pass.

Color pass.

All passes.


Final result.



  1. General:

    A great job! I would leave out the end shot though – this is not nearly as successful as the interior shot.

    The little details, like the dials moving and the shadows moving really sell this.

    The windows of the plane could be a lot dirtier – more detail will really sell this

    The outside plane feels a bit bright to me.

    Tracers could be a bit faster

    This was carried through process to completion – great job.


    The propeller lacks realistic motion blur. Since it is locked to the camera I would fake this in nuke.

    Some subtle post shadows and reflections form the pilot on to the airplane would really help this along integrate and could be done in nuke

    The tracers appear to be ontop of everything – they are still through the window, so should be blurred or hazed a bit

    I love the WWI “look” to this.

    The color correction on the pilot is a little purple, while the plate is green-brown, this should be corrected one direction or the other so they both match.

    Keying and integration work is good on the pilot – some rack focus would really sell it.

    Tracking and Roto:

    The camera feels realistic to me – good job.

  2. Thank you very much Laurence. I`ll try to fix everything that you point out, so I can use this for my demo reel.

  3. I really like the concept you have. I do think a few things could be done to make this a demo piece.

    Have the bullets shoot inwards towards the center of frame, to follow the camera wide angle of view.

    The propeller should be blurred, as you already know. The problem here is in Maya you have too many revolutions for it and between frame 1 and two its doing more than 180 degrees rotation, so Maya thinks its stopped.

    The plane its shooting down should glide from left to right and maybe get shots half way there, you can hide the explosion by having a glow around the pilots head showing it got shot, then give the plane some smoking trail as it goes to the right of frame.

    I would cut the second shot and focus only on the first shot.

    Your pilot looks quite purple, so a quick color correction could fix this.

    Great work on this!
